List of Opinions

The PDSnet opinions give a current overview of every listed company and are updated in response to messages on the Stock Exchange News Service (SENS), ur own in-house analysis and articles appearing in the media.

Each opinion gives the company’s nature of business, a summary of its most recent financial statements, a view of its technical (charting) position and our opinion as to its value at the current market price.

The Opinions are updated for interim and final reports as well as quarterlies, trading statements and trading updates. They cover every share listed on the Johannesburg Stock Exchange (JSE).

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Numeric Latest

UNICORN - 30/05/2021
Unicorn Capital (UCP) is a company which outsources mainly to the coal mining industry. The company has been listed in the JSE's fledgling division since 1993 and went through a major restructuring... read more
UNION - 21/05/2023

Union Atlantic (UAT) is a junior mining operation which seeks to exploit base metals and minerals through brownfield exploration (development where the minerals... read more

UPARTNERS - 13/09/2024

Universal Partners (UPL) is an investment holding company with a primary listing in Mauritius and a secondary listing on the Alt-X of the JSE. It listed in 2013... read more