Transaction Capitals Trendline

In last week’s article on Grand Parade, we drew your attention to the importance and usefulness of downward trendlines (drawn above a downward trend) in establishing the best point to buy a share. This week we draw your attention to the benefit of upward trendlines (drawn below a rising trend) as a method of determining when a share, with a strong rising trend, has corrected

Grand Parade Trendlines

Technical analysis, which is the search for and analysis of patterns in share price charts, can become very complex and mathematical. Literally thousands of line indicators have been developed which claim to improve the investor’s probability of being right when determining the moment when a share’s price turns. In our experience, the

Private Investor Advantage

Finding winning shares is not just about looking for quality. It is about finding quality when it is cheap – which usually means finding it when it has fallen heavily and is out of favour with institutional fund managers. We advise you to look for the “mountain behind you” in the chart.

As a private investor